- The Long Goodbye (Quarterly Essay 66) by Anna Krien
- The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
- Hunger by Roxane Gay
- The Clever Guts Diet by Michael Mosley
- The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape
- Open House Melbourne Weekend: 2017 Program by Open House Melbourne (available 28 June)
- Is Racism an Environmental Threat? by Ghassan Hage
- Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami (translated by Philip Gabriel and Ted Goossen)
- No is Not Enough by Naomi Klein
- Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan
Anna Krien’s latest Quarterly Essay is our bestselling book of last week. The Long Goodbye is an urgent, clear-eyed examination of Australia’s climate wars and necessary reading for anyone seeking to make sense of the politics that surround the the Adani mine.
Our bestselling books of last week include Roxane Gay’s generous and powerful memoir (Hunger), the long-awaited second novel from the bestselling author of The God of Small Things (The Ministry of Utmost Happiness), the third book in Kevin Kwan’s outrageously hilarious Crazy Rich Asians trilogy (Rich People Problems), and a brand-new story collection from Haruki Murakami (Men Without Women).
And look out this week for the arrival of the Open House Melbourne Weekend: 2017 Program – which has already made it into our bestsellers list with pre-orders alone. This year’s edition of the program includes over 200 buildings, interviews with some of Melbourne’s leading modernist architects, and a fold out map developed in partnership with the Koorie Heritage Trust that features a contemporary Aboriginal design and architecture walking tour.