Why you should read The Passage trilogy
The City of Mirrors – the final part of Justin Cronin’s The Passage series – will be released on 24 May.
To celebrate the book’s imminent arrival, we’re offering a super special price on all online pre-orders ($24.99, ).
Here, some of our booksellers reflect on the series.
“There’s a feeling I get watching disaster films from my 1990s childhood that’s really distinct. The volcano’s about to destroy this wholesome American town and you’re feeling uneasy, on edge, keen to see at least some of your heroes make it, and at least most of the buildings fall over… The Passage trilogy subjects you to that feeling over and over again in every possible variation. But with a disgusting amount of teeth.” – Chris Dite
‘Haven’t read any Justin Cronin’s The Passage yet? Lucky you. Lucky you for NOT picking up this 1000+ page book that everyone’s been talking about and spending several sleepless nights tearing through it only to discover that, in the world’s best-kept-secret, it ends on a cliffhanger. Lucky you for NOT having to suffer that excruciating feeling of reaching the last page and knowing that you’re going to have to wait years until you can find out what happens next. Twice! Lucky you that you can experience this bone-chilling, utterly compelling take on the vampire novel for the first time today. Well go on then. Get reading, you lucky bastard.’ – Lian Hingee
‘Even though it’s a vampire novel, The Passage reminds me most strongly, in tone and tension, of zombie-riddled TV show The Walking Dead. Like The Walking Dead, The Passage is big, messy, sprawling, violent, exciting, a little bit crazy and filled with a big cast of characters you care about and who may be killed at any time. It’s a long, involving, highly entertaining read – and now is the perfect time to devour the first two books in the series.’ – Nina Kenwood
‘Four years in the making, The City of Mirrors has to be the most anticipated sci-fi release of the year! I almost wet myself when my colleague left a proof copy on my desk!’ – Jason Maggs
‘I read mostly crime, and a lot of horrific, terrifying and haunting things happen in these books all the time. But no book has ever given me nightmares like The Passage did. Halfway through the book, I went to sleep one night halfway and dreamt that one of The Passage’s inhuman antagonists was standing by my bed, breathing over me while I lay there frozen in fear. When I finally woke, that feeling of paralysis and dread stayed with me until I finished the book. It probably seems like a reason not to read any more, but really – when the sequel came out, I just found myself wishing I could somehow incapacitate all my colleagues so that I could be the first to the reading copy.’ – Fiona Hardy
‘Finally, six years after reading The Passage, a proof copy of the epic trilogy’s conclusion has found its way into my hot little hands, and it is as good as I have expected it would be. Although a re-reading of The Passage and The Twelve would have been beneficial to spark the memory – and even though I’m only 100 pages into this final instalment – I can already say that this series takes its place alongside some of the best vampire fiction ever written.’ – Jason Austin