The shortlists for this year’s Prime Minister’s Literary Awards have been announced. These awards celebrate outstanding literary talent in Australia.
- A Treacherous Country by K M Kruimink
- In the Time of Foxes by Jo Lennan
- Lucky’s by Andrew Pippos
- The Bass Rock by Evie Wyld
- The Labyrinth by Amanda Lohrey
YA literature
- Loner by Georgina Young
- Metal Fish, Falling Snow by Cath Moore
- The End of the World is Bigger than Love by Davina Bell
- The F Team by Rawah Arja
- When Rain Turns to Snow by Jane Godwin
Children’s literature
- Fly on the Wall by Remy Lai
- How to Make a Bird by Meg McKinlay and illustrated by Matt Ottley
- The January Stars by Kate Constable
- The Stolen Prince of Cloudburst by Jaclyn Moriarty and illustrated by Kelly Canby
- The Year the Maps Changed by Danielle Binks
- Flight Lines by Andrew Darby
- The Altar Boys by Suzanne Smith
- The Details by Tegan Bennett Daylight
- The Stranger Artist by Quentin Sprague
- Truganini by Cassandra Pybus
Australian history
- Ceremony Men by by Jason M Gibson
- Pathfinders by Michael Bennett
- People of the River by Grace Karskens
- Representing Australian Aboriginal Music and Dance 1930-1970 by Amanda Harris
- The Convict Valley by Mark Dunn
- Change Machine by Jaya Savige
- Homer Street by Laurie Duggan
- Nothing to Declare by Mags Webster
- Shorter Lives by John A Scott
- The Strangest Place by Stephen Edgar
The winners in each category receive $80,000 and the shortlisted writers each receive $5000. You can learn more about the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards – as well as read the judges’ comments on this year’s shortlisted titles – here.