Our top ten bestsellers of the week
- The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
- The Clever Guts Diet by Michael Mosley
- Anaesthesia by Kate Cole-Adams
- The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape
- Gravity Well by Melanie Joosten
- Camino Island by John Grisham
- Miller And Max by Luke Buckmaster
- Losing it by Moira Burke
- The Museum of Modern Love by Heather Rose
- Theft by Finding by David Sedaris
Arundhati Roy’s second novel is our bestselling book of last week. Our reviewer describes The Ministry of Utmost Happiness as ‘one of those rare, wonderful books that truly feels like real life’. You can read her full review here.
Other bestselling books of last week include a brand-new action-packed crime novel from John Grisham (Camino Island), a thought-provoking science book from Australian Kate Cole-Adams (Anaesthesia), a deep dive into the making of Mad Max from Luke Buckmaster (Miller And Max), and a beautiful, compelling second novel from Melanie Joosten (Gravity Well).