Our top 10 bestsellers of the week
The Candy House by Jennifer Egan
Ten Steps to Nanette by Hannah Gadsby
Apollo and Thelma: A True Tall Tale by Jon Faine
Other Houses by Paddy O'Reilly
Keeping Them Honest by Stephen Charles & Catherine Williams
French Braid by Anne Tyler
Quarterly Essay 85: Not Waving, Drowning by Sarah Krasnostein
Dinner with the Schnabels by Toni Jordan
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari
Brunswick Street Blues by Sally Bothroyd
Our best-seller from the past week is futuristic novel The Candy House from Pulitzer prize-winning, Jennifer Egan. The Candy House is our fiction Book of the Month and you can read our (very positive!) review here.
Other books making an appearance on our bestseller list this week include the much anticipated memoir from comedian Hannah Gadsby, Jon Faine’s personal recount of a legendary strongman and circus star and his outback publican sister, and the non-fiction new release Keeping Them Honest which has arrived on our shelves just as the federal election is announced and explores the case for a national integrity commission amongst other potential democratic reforms in Australia.