Our top 10 bestsellers of the week
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
My Year of Living Vulnerably by Rick Morton
The Believer by Sarah Krasnostein
The Care Factor by Ailsa Wild
One: Pot, Pan, Planet by Anna Jones
Emotional Female by Yumiko Kadota
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders
Transient Desires by Donna Leon
A Room Called Earth by Madeleine Ryan
Rick Morton’s memoir about his journey to betterness, through learning about the many shapes and shades of love, has debuted at number two this week. This compelling read follows Morton’s emotional journey following his diagnosis with a complex post-traumatic stress disorder, and is a much anticipated follow-up to his previous work, One Hundred Years of Dirt.
Other books making an appearance in our bestseller list this week include a unique account, from one nurse to one writer, of being on the medical front line during Covid-19; a charming and contemplative debut, full of raw feelings and insights, that follows a young woman as she prepares for, goes to, and returns from a night out; and an examination of the short story form, why we read, and how we live.