Our latest reviews

Sugarlump and Unicorn by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks (illus.)

Reviewed by Angela Crocombe

My daughter and I love a good unicorn story and this one definitely does not disappoint. Written by the brilliant Julia Donaldson, author of The Gruffalo, this is a wonderful story of a rocking horse that wishes for a…

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Jane, The Fox & Me by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault

Reviewed by Emily Gale

I hardly know where to begin with this exceptional graphic novel about bullying, which is set in Quebec and has been translated from the original French. I’d like to frame its cover and put it on my bedroom wall. Does…

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Esther's Rainbow by Kim Kane and Sara Acton (Illus.)

Reviewed by Angela Crocombe

What a delightful picture book! After spying a rainbow hiding under her chair, Esther begins to look for it everywhere. In her search, she finds all the colours of the rainbow in unusual places, but it takes a rain shower…

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Kissed By The Moon by Alison Lester

Reviewed by Kathy Kozlowski

What a magical, perfect picture book. Alison Lester has done it again and this must be her most tender and lyrical. Part poem, part lullaby it celebrates the natural world and a growing baby’s place in it. Her artwork is…

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Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo

Reviewed by Angela Crocombe

After Flora rescues a squirrel sucked up by a high-powered vacuum cleaner, she soon discovers the squirrel is now in possession of amazing superpowers, understands English and writes poetry. Sound good so far? Oh yes, and not only does the…

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Eyrie by Tim Winton

Reviewed by Joe Rubbo

Tom Keely, the hero of Tim Winton’s latest novel, is a fallen man. We meet him after a night ‘getting off his chops on the fruit of the Barossa’ and an unhealthy dose of prescription meds. The recently divorced, once-successful…

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All The Truth That's In Me by Julie Berry

Reviewed by Katherine Dretzke

Four years ago Judith snuck out to meet up with her best friend who was to reveal to Judith who she was secretly having an affair with. But while Judith waits she witnesses something horrific and then disappears. Two years…

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Hannah's Night by Komako Sakai

Reviewed by Alexa Dretzke

This charming picture book depicts Hannah waking to find it is still night time. Her sister and parents are sound asleep so her only companion during her nocturnal wanderings is her cat. They have a snack together, they peer at…

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The Last Girl by Michael Adams

Reviewed by Angela Crocombe

When Danby begins to hear everyone else’s thoughts at a party, it immediately makes her extremely unpopular. But a few days later everyone can hear everyone else’s thoughts too and chaos immediately ensues. Strangely, no one can hear Danby’s thoughts…

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The Full Ridiculous by Mark Lamprell

Reviewed by Ella Mittas

After finishing The Full Ridiculous, it’s hard for me to imagine that the phrase, ‘somehow it feels like the world is against me’, has ever been more apt than for the character of Michael O’Dell. While out on one…

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