Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Clara is part angel, a Quatarius and has only known this since she turned fourteen two years ago. Angels are on earth for a special reason, and that is to complete their purpose. Clara has started to see visions, of what her purpose is: it includes a boy around her age that she doesn’t recognise, and some sort of forest fire. The licence plate on the boy’s car is one from Wyoming, and because Clara and her family live in California they are made to move to Wyoming in order for Clara to complete her purpose.

That is where she meets Christian, the boy from her vision. But while Clara is trying hard to work out her purpose, she meets another boy, Tucker. Clara is determined not to let her feelings get in the way of her destiny, but who will she decide is more important?

Unearthly draws you in from the very first page and continues to captivate the reader throughout the book. It is a great fantasy story, full of supernatural beings, adventure and romance.