The Secret Lives Of Princesses by Philippe Lechermeier and Rebecca Dautremer
‘Have you spotted princess Anne Phibian? Chatted with princess Babble Brooke? Or stumbled upon the Night Princess?’ Well if you have, then you’re a seasoned princess expert and you may not need this book (although a true lover must have a full collection), and if you haven’t then you MUST have this book!
The Secret Lives Of Princesses is really too lovely for words. While going through princesses – from Princess Tangra-la who lives to dance and dresses wildly without a care, to Princess Quartermoon who wears a regal cloak made from thousands of beads and makes smoke signals to her friends – each princess is accompanied by beautiful illustrations.
The text is humorous and creative, bringing your imagination to life through words, while the illustrations are colourful and exotic, capturing the princesses perfectly but not distracting from your own imagination. Both work as a perfect collaboration. This book is full of fun (my particular favourite being ‘The Garden’ page) with which I could really not find fault. Perfect to be read together with your princess lover, or for older readers to try themselves. For ages six plus.