No. 1s and No. 2s: Tex Perkins & His Ladyboyz

Two of the most magnificent and exquisite entities in the current musical climate are Tex Perkins and late twentieth-century emotional rock (or Yacht Rock being the preferred option in today’s vernacular). Thank god they’ve finally come together. Mr. Perkins and his Ladyboyz (a carefully assembled tender team of musical warriors) add poignancy with punch to such classics as I’m Not In Love (featuring the Ladyboyz heavenly choral tones), Do That To Me One More Time (Perkins’ smoldering sensual vocal will indeed, as the title suggests, have you asking for a double helping) and also recruit luminary cohorts such as Jimmy Barnes, Adalita, Suzie De Marchi and Nic Cester to produce an aggressively angelic release that is sure to feature on many album of the year lists. Applause.