Mega Mash-Ups: Robots vs. Gorillas in the Desert by Nikalas Catlow & Tim Wesson

Have you ever been reading a book and thought it would be SO much better if you drew in some funny faces, or a giant bird swooping out of the sky to carry someone off? You’d probably get in trouble for drawing all over most books, but with Mega Mash-Ups: Robots vs. Gorillas in the Desert, that’s exactly the point! The latest offering from new publisher on the block Nosy Crow is just the thing for kids 7 and up who like to be a little more involved in their stories, because kids are encouraged to add their own illustrations alongside the story.

Robots and Gorillas live peacefully side-by-side, but when the two tribes encounter troubles, the only thing that can decide it is a race through the desert. Each page in this strange and wonderful book is scattered with suggestions for readers to illustrate – draw in the faces of a crowd of shocked gorillas, or add extra slime to a desert slug. This is absolutely perfect for reluctant readers, who will be itching to add their own touches to the hilarious and action-packed story. Also out at the same time is Romans vs. Dinosaurs on Mars.