Alexander Altmann A10567 by Suzy Zail
Alexander is only 14 when his family is sent to Auschwitz, but by pretending to be 16 he survives the gas chamber, unlike his younger sister. He keeps to himself and refuses any overtures of friendship, believing that only by showing no emotion will he be strong enough to survive. Eventually, he has an opportunity to care for the officers’ horses, animals he knows and loves from working on his family farm. The disparity between the level of care and comfort provided these prize animals and that given to the people forced to look after them is truly terrifying. Yet, working with the horses helps Alexander’s humanity to return.
This is a beautifully written, powerful story about overcoming horrific circumstances. Local author Suzy Zail gained inspiration for her novel from the true story of a Holocaust survivor and has used many of the key events from his life. Highly recommended.