Nishtha Banavalikar

Nishtha Banavalikar is from Readings Emporium

Review — 2 Nov 2022

Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez & Megan McDowell (trans.)

Deeply unsettling yet riveting, Our Share of Night is the latest contribution from Argentine writer Mariana Enríquez to the Latin American horror genre. Tying together Argentinian folklore with occult canon…

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Review — 19 Sep 2022

The Unfolding by A.M. Homes

The Big Guy is a smooth talker, a networker, and he’s got a plan to take back control of his country. It’s the 2008 American presidential election, and the Big…

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Review — 31 Aug 2022

People Who Lunch by Sally Olds

People Who Lunch is the debut essay collection by Melbourne- based writer Sally Olds. Each essay takes on its own character, binding together social observations on workand leisure from the…

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