The Daughter Of A Junkie

Terrinee Gundy

The Daughter Of A Junkie
Daughter of a Junkie, LLC
22 August 2023

The Daughter Of A Junkie

Terrinee Gundy

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Five year old Terrinee Gundy decided that she would steer clear of a life of excuses as she was hellbent on being nobody's victim.

In The Daughter Of A Junkie: A True Love Story, Terrinee is shrill and transparent regarding all of the unpredictable dangers she finessed with a junkie for a daddy. As a memoir romanticizing the unparalleled moments of her family's struggles, Terrinee is unapologetic about her family's ghetto love story. Despite her daddy's drug addiction to crack cocaine for over forty years, Terrinee was relentless to defy the odds of a chaotic, dysfunctional environment flooded with drugs, poverty, racism, the police, and an ineffable amount of calamity.

The Daughter Of A Junkie: A True Love Story narrates a first-hand account of an extraordinary young girl who escaped the ghetto trappings and trickery of the underserved and impoverished communities in which she lived. With sheer determination, Terrinee realized her childhood dream of becoming a lawyer and a judge. She takes you through the slums of the Deep South with near death, appalling experiences that started in kindergarten and continued to "The Promise Land" on the college campus of Clark Atlanta University. Like the fictional tales of "Dope Fiend" by Donald Goins, her story is entertaining, thrilling yet factual, as well as, veracious through the lens of a highly educated junkie's daughter. Inspiring to anyone who is faced with non-stop, everlasting challenges related to drug addiction and beyond, Terrinee epitomizes the power of a determined woman who focuses on things that she can control versus things that could otherwise control her.

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