Nemesis / Nemesis: A Harry Hole Novel
Jo Nesbo

Nemesis / Nemesis: A Harry Hole Novel
Jo Nesbo
?Como atrapas a un asesino cuando tu eres el principal sospechoso?En la cuarta entrega de la serie, el atormentado detective Harry Hole tendra que cruzar la linea que separa lo legal de lo ilegal para resolver unos crimenes que no son lo que en un principio parecian. Las camaras de seguridad de un banco captan como un atracador dispara a bocajarro a la cajera tras un extrano intercambio de palabras. El detective Harry Hole se hara cargo de la investigacion, con la ayuda de Beate Lonn, una de las investigadoras mas desconcertantes del cuerpo de policia, capaz de identificar rasgos faciales mucho mas rapido que cualquier programa informatico, pero incapaz de moverse en sociedad. Todas las pesquisas remiten a Raskol Baxhet, un legendario atracador. Sin embargo, es imposible que sea el culpable porque cumple condena en prision. Y, mientras los atracos se suceden cada vez con mas virulencia, Harry se mete en lios. Una manana amanece en su piso con una resaca horrible que le hace revivir viejos temores. La noche anterior habia quedado con una antigua novia que aparece muerta. El es el principal sospechoso, a menos que logre aclarar que ha hecho durante esas ultimas horas de las que no recuerda nada. ?Hay alguien dispuesto a tenderle una trampa y culparle de la muerte de Anna? Las novelas de Jo Nesbo; han sido traducidas a mas de 40 lenguas, llevan vendidos mas de 25 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y han sido galardonadas con numerosos premios.
How is one able to find a killer when you are the primary suspect?In this fourth installment of the series, detective Harry Hole will have to balance and cross a line between what is legal and ethical, and the illegal in order to solve some crimes that weren’t what they seemed at first. Security cameras capture everything when a bank teller is shot during a holdup. Harry will take up the investigation along with Beate Lo;nn, a young detective and expert recognizing facial features, with the ability to remember every face she’s ever seen.While the robberies are happening with more intensity and violence, Harry gets into trouble. One morning he wakes up with a terrible hangover that makes him relive old fears. The night before he had met an old girlfriend who is now dead, and he is the main suspect, unless he manages to clear up where he was during those last few hours when he remembers nothing. While Harry quietly looks into Anna’s death, he and Beate uncover ties in their bank robbery case to one of Norway’s most notorious bank robbers, one that is currently in prison.
Is there someone willing to set him up to be blamed for Anna’s death? The deeper Harry digs, the clearer it becomes that Anna’s death is linked to the robbery.
Jo Nesbo;‘s novels have been translated into more than 40 languages, have sold over 25 million copies worldwide, and have been awarded numerous awards.
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