Between The Lines

Dr Dinesh Dharampaul

Between The Lines
Qurate Books Private Limited
25 July 2023

Between The Lines

Dr Dinesh Dharampaul

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There is a dire need to rewrite History - that History which establishes the supremacy of the commoners, History which reflects Love and respect for all and hatred for none, which avoids confrontation and aggressive outlook. Let us give a new meaning to civilization. Let it not be a symbolic. It should and must portray people's struggle for equality and fraternity. Let it be a synopsis or compendium and eye opener for all. Let the musical notes not to be snatched from the flowing river. Let

its banks celebrate the festival of Love as sung by the poets providing the feelings of immortality and aspirations. Let the History be the People's History and the civilization as People's civilization! Let the muddy homes be saved! Let earth not to be a battlefield! Let the poetry reside in the hearts of the

politicians, or the Kings, or the rulers! New Poetry should create a new atmosphere, new perspectives, and new gestures. There is a dire need to throw venomous weapons in Deep Ocean, so that the aroma of soil is spread everywhere. Let the mighty pen exhibit its strength in favor of commoners! Let all sing the chorus for liberation! Let the cultural amity is not diffused. Let there be fragrance everywhere! Let Humanity be saved from the clutches of death and salvation and take a new incarnation in its place! Why to have a Veil on the woman's face? Why to demolish the nest of the Poor? Let us sing a song of freedom!


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