Losing the Plot

Annaleise Byrd

Losing the Plot
Walker Books Australia
6 March 2024

Losing the Plot

Annaleise Byrd

A tremendous whooshing noise started up. It sounded like a million pages being riffled at once. I caught a strong whiff of gingerbread. Then The Complete Fairytales of the Brothers Grimm flew open and a human-shaped blur came shooting out …

Basil Beedon and Terry Clegg are neighbours, and that's all they have in common. Terry loves sport and Basil loves books – but to Basil’s absolute dismay, he’s been roped into helping Terry with his reading. Every. Single. Saturday. However, that's the least of his worries when Gretel comes shooting out of The Complete Fairytales of the Brothers Grimm. The boys are plunged into a dangerous world run by the Fairytale Alliance Network of Character Yunions (FANCY), where not everyone is what they seem, Hansel has been kidnapped and a plot hole threatens to destroy everything.

Witty, clever, with adventure at every turn, this is a fractured fairytale in a very surprising, Grimm world.


Terry doesn’t much like reading. Basil loves reading, but he doesn’t much like Terry. Usually, they don’t have a lot to do with one another, and that arrangement works just fine, until Basil is told he will be tutoring Terry every single Saturday.

As much as Basil resents this agreement, it becomes the least of their problems when a desperate Gretel (yes, that Gretel,) comes shooting out of their reading material begging the two for help. What choice do they have but to try and overcome their differences and attempt to save the world of the Fairytale Alliance Network of Character Yunions? Can these unlikely friends work together to save Hansel, and prevent the plot hole that could destroy everything Gretel knows?

This middle-grade book is perfect for kids who prefer their comedy action-packed, their epic adventures brimming with magic, and their fantastical stories jam-packed with laughs. For ages 8+.

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