I Cannot Forget Vietnam

Bob Crum

I Cannot Forget Vietnam
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
5 July 2022

I Cannot Forget Vietnam

Bob Crum

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I Cannot Forget Vietnam is a tale of how difficult it is to forget all that has happened to me. The cost of one year in Vietnam–all that happened is a result of being there. This is my account of how I was affected. Vietnam was a stark difference to being in the USA. I was stationed at Eglin Air Force Base in Western Florida. Then I received my orders for Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. The difference was, in comparison, like night versus day. Cam Ranh Bay had revetments and sandbags covering anything that may be hit by rockets. The control tower was where I worked half of the time. It stood out like a sore thumb because of its height. This was what I put in for by joining the military. I had to go in the Air Force. Anywhere in Vietnam was more than I expected. Vietnam was a war zone. Anything could happen, including the loss of one’s life.

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