Wyld’s novel was judged as being ‘of the highest literary merit’ and presenting ‘Australian life in any of its phases’ in accordance with Miles Franklin’s guidelines for the award. Wyld wins $60,000 in prize money.
The judges said of the winning novel: ‘All the Birds, Singing draws the reader into its rhythm and mystery, through wonderfully and beautifully crafted prose, whose deceptive sparseness combines powerfully with an ingenious structure to create a compelling narrative of alienation, decline and finally, perhaps, some form of redemption. Flight from violence and abuse run through the core of the novel, yet never defeat its central character. All the Birds, Singing, an unusual but compelling novel, explores its themes with an unnervingly consistent clarity and confidence.’
Our reviewer said of the novel: ‘the beauty, simplicity and tension of Wyld’s prose, and her skill at reflecting Jake’s moods against the weather and wildlife of her severe surroundings, are exquisite.’
You can read more about the Miles Franklin Literary Award here.
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