Father’s Day is just around the corner – Sunday, 4 September to be exact!
If your ‘What to Get Dad’ list consists of socks, socks, and more socks, take a look at our wide selection of Father’s Day gift ideas. We’ve also compiled a list of our favourite picture books for reading together with dad.
Kisses for Daddy by Frances Watts & David Legge – Baby Bear is grumpy, and doesn’t want to give Daddy Bear his bedtime kiss. Can Daddy Bear convince him?
Amazing Daddy by Rachel Bright – Daddy Panda and Baby Panda spend a day together in this warmly illustrated tale.
My Dad Thinks He’s Funny and My Dad Still Thinks He’s Funny by Katrina Germein & Tom Jellett – Two hilarious celebrations of ‘dad humour’.
My Dad Used To Be So Cool by Keith Negley – A graphically stylish picture books for all those ‘once-cool’ dads who used to ride motorbikes and play in bands.
How I Love You, Daddy by Anna Pignataro – Little Polar Bear, Little Elephant and Little Hare all have special ways to show their daddies how they love them.
Draw With Me, Dad! by Jasmine Narayan and Chad Geran – A fantastic activity book from a family psychologist that encourages parents and children to create together.
Wild Pa by Claire Saxby & Connah Brecon – A great read-aloud tale for all those adventurous dads out there!
- When I’m a Monster Like You, Dad by David O'Connell & Francesca Gambatesa – A little monster hopes to grow up big and strong and scary, just like daddy.