The Small Press Network (SPN) have announced the four titles shortlisted for the 2016 Most Underrated Book Award (MUBA).
Open to all members of the Small Press Network, the MUBA is designed to highlight titles that did not garner the sales or recognition they deserved at the time of release.
The shortlisted titles for this year are:
- A Man Made Entirely of Bats by Patrick Lenton (Spineless Wonders)
- Clancy of the Undertow by Christopher Currie (Text Publishing)
- Creating Cities by Marcus Westbury (Niche Press)
- The Floating Garden by Emma Ashmere (Spinifex Press)
The four titles were chosen by a judging panel that included author Toni Jordan, former young bookseller of the year Megan O’Brien, and Books and Arts Daily producer Sarah L’Estrange.
The winner will be announced on Friday 11 November at the Independent Publishing Conference in Melbourne.