The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge

This charming book delights me as much now as it did when I first read it as a child. Maria, an orphan, is sent with her governess to the West Country of England to live with her second cousin, a man she has never met. A London-bred child, she is determinedly prepared to endure country life.

To her delight, she finds that she feels immediately at home in Moonacre Manor. Sir Benjamin, her guardian, allows her to ride anywhere except to the seaside where the Black Men live, but it is Maria’s curiosity about them that leads her to try and right old mistakes.

The Little White Horse is set in 1852, and Maria’s life may seem far removed from that of today’s 13-year-old. But personal qualities are universal and timeless – it is Maria’s inquisitiveness, bravery and determination that enable her to remain at Moonacre Manor.

Elizabeth Goudge’s wonderful descriptive powers make this story eternally fresh and enchanting to read and re-read.

Julie Beck is a freelance reviewer.

Cover image for The Little White Horse

The Little White Horse

Elizabeth Goudge

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