Just a Girl by Jane Caro
Just a Girl by Jane Caro is a very well written, interesting and factual story about Queen Elizabeth I. Personally, I love Elizabethan history and I especially love the time periods of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, but it’s usually hard to find a book that isn’t thousands of pages long, a dry read and overloaded with facts.
But luckily, Just a Girl is different. Sure, it documents Elizabeth’s rise to queen and her changing relationships with her siblings and complicated relationship with her father, but it’s done in an engaging way. That said, it is a thinking book. It will give you dates and times of a history that did actually happen, so if you just want to pick up a light and easy read I wouldn’t recommend this book.However, if you like history, or even if you just want to read about a real princess, this book is fantastic! It has sad moments and tragic moments. Heck, it even has momentous occasions! And, for me, when I found out that the author actually included speeches or talks between the characters that were actually said, I thought, ‘Wow. Just wow.’
The story is written in first person and just gives you that extra bit of emotion that a story like this needs. I give it 7/10!