Iron Heart: Marshall Browne
Brown’s second Franz Schmidt Mystery is set in a perpetually dark and rain-soaked pre-war Berlin, where fear and paranoia rule the streets. Behind the scenes orchestration has seen Schmidt infiltrate the upper echelons of the Reichsbank, where he must obtain evidence betraying The Fuehrer’s sinister plans. There are, however, clever and vicious people on to him, and he will need all the skill, intelligence and luck in the world to survive.
Iron Heart is the best spy novel I’ve read in years. There’s more intrigue, backstabbing and death in one chapter than most authors can manage in a whole book. Of course, it has all the clichés – lone wolf hell-bent on revenge, ambitious and duplicitous public servants, innocents caught in a world they don’t understand – but the author manages to turn this into something special. Truly worth your while.