Create Your Own Book workshop with Ann James

Gasworks’ Story Festival, Gasworks Arts Park, Corner Graham & Pickles Streets, Albert Park

Readings is running a series of inspiring free workshops for children in St Kilda and Port Melbourne focusing on the writing and illustrating process. Local authors and illustrators will share stories of how they work and encourage children to create their own book.

Children will be able to enter their books into the Readings Create Your Own Book Competition. There will be prizes for best story, best illustration and most creative book in 3 different age groups. Entries close 30th September.

11.15am – 12pm workshop with Ann James (illustrator of Chester and Gil), recommended age 4-6 years

No bookings required.

This project has been supported by the City of Port Phillip Cultural Development Fund.

Cover image for Chester and Gil

Chester and Gil

Carol Faulkner

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