Our top 10 bestsellers of the week

  1. Tinkering: The Complete Book of John Clarke by John Clarke
  2. Force of Nature by Jane Harper
  3. Mythos by Stephen Fry
  4. Stories by Helen Garner
  5. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
  6. Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders
  7. The Dry by Jane Harper
  8. True Stories by Helen Garner
  9. A Long Way from Home by Peter Carey
  10. First Person by Richard Flanagan

Our top 10 bestselling books from last week include two smart and engaging non-fiction reads from two brilliantly funny performers: Tinkering is an anthology of John Clarke’s writings, and Mythos is Stephen Fry’s retelling of the Greek myths.

The list also includes Mark Manson’s self-help book for people who hate self-help books’ (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck), two brilliant compilations of Helen Garner’s writing (both are available in a specially priced bundle!), three fascinating works of fiction from award-winning authors (Lincoln in the Bardo, A Long Way from Home and First Person), and both of Jane Harper’s much-loved literary thrillers (The Dry and Force of Nature).