An update on renovations at Readings Carlton

The renovation of our Carlton shop is coming along, and we’re excited that we’ll soon be able to reveal the new look to our customers!

We’re currently scheduled to re-open Readings Carlton to the public on Wednesday 25 July, 2018.

Please note that this date is subject to change, so do keep an eye on our website and social media for any updates. The best way to stay informed of any new developments is to subscribe to our enews. Our emails also keep you up to date on the latest books, music and DVDs, as well as our special offers, events, news and giveaways.

We’ve been so lucky to have use of a space in Lygon Court for a temporary pop-up shop while renovations were happening. Thank you to all the customers who have visited us there and at our other shops, and to those who have shopped with us online. Your support is deeply valued and we hope you’ll love the new look Carlton shop as much as us.

Our pop-up shop in Lygon Court will remain open until 10pm on Monday 23 July, but unfortunately both the pop-up and the Carlton shop will be closed on Tuesday 24 July. Our staff will be very busy moving the books between the shops, and setting up the main shop for the exciting re-opening.

If you have any book emergencies that day, please contact one of our other shops.

Cover image for Busy Bookshop

Busy Bookshop

Marion Billet

Available to order, ships in 5-9 daysAvailable to order