Olivia and the Fairy Princesses by Ian Falconer

[[ian-falconer-rev]]Olivia the Pig is a breath of fresh air! Her new book looks deceptively like the standard fairy princess fluff, sure to delight a certain demographic of 3-5 year-olds and drive their parents crazy. But no, this is one brilliantly subversive picture book.

Olivia is dreadfully tired of all that pink frippery (aren’t we all?) and prefers a princess from Thailand, Africa or India clothed in traditional dress with not a smidgen of pink. She finds dressing up as a warthog much more fun and is inspired by the avant garde style of dancer and provocateur Martha Graham. She simply does not understand why all the little pink princesses want to look the same (hear, hear!) and instead Olivia embarks on a journey to be unique.

This book may just inspire those pink princesses to find their own path too!

[[angela__crocombe]] Angela Crocombe