Half Bad by Sally Green

I can’t wait to put vampires behind us, so the moment I was told I was reviewing a book about witches I was super excited. Set in contemporary England, Half Bad tells the story of Nathan, a 15-year-old boy who is half White witch (good), and half Black witch (evil). In a world where witches live among humans, being a half blood sees Nathan ostracised for simply being born the way he is. His mother is dead, and his father is a murderer – one of the most notorious Black witches alive.

When the White Council sends Nathan to be guarded by a woman who keeps him locked in a cage and trained like a soldier, Nathan realises he is being used as bait to lure his powerful, evil father. Nathan needs to escape before he turns 16; on this birthday, your parents present you with three gifts, allowing you to become a full witch.

Ah, this was fantastic! With a brilliantly captivating plot and a protagonist you actually feel for, Half Bad surprised me for being so well written and so wonderfully creative. Throw down your Twilight and Hunger Games – this is where fantasy gets great.

Katherine Dretzke

Cover image for Half Bad

Half Bad

Sally Green

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