The 9 Lives of Alexander Baddenfield by John Bemelmans Marciano & Sophie Blackall

Alexander Baddenfield is a dreadful and cruel young boy from a family of rich yet historically ill-fated villains. He manages to steal his cat’s nine lives and, emboldened by his improved odds, he embarks on a series of reckless adventures, hastily clocking up deaths. Each chapter is a dangerous and tragic adventure: there’s electrocution, drowning, a killer python and a hare-brained flight attempt from the top of the Empire State Building.

It’s a hilarious read, enriched with brilliant gothic illustrations by Sophie Blackall and, like any good cautionary tale, will be very appealing to children, particularly those with morbid fascinations.

Perfect for ages 8 and up.

Kim Gruschow is from Readings Hawthorn.