The Dax Poetry Collection: Poets on Identity, Forum and Educational Guided Tour

The Dax Centre, Kenneth Myer Building

This event will investigate ideas of identity and belonging through poetry and other writing. Exploring themes of Indigenous identity, migration, cultural displacement, female identity and the effects of the life cycle, the evening will enliven students, educators and the broader public’s understanding of belonging. Featured writers include Dr Mammad Aidani, Dr Tony Birch, Elizabeth Campbell, Leanne Hall and Alex Skovron, along with Jennifer Harrison, The Dax Centre Poetry Collection Manager, as chair.

The event is in two parts: ‘Educational Guided Tour, Healing Ways: Art with Intent’ (running from 4.45pm to 5.45pm) and ‘Forum – Poets on Identity’ (running from 6pm to 8pm).

For more information including entry costs, booking information and more, please visit The Dax Centre website by Tuesday 12 August.