Books so good we wish we could read them again, for the first time

As book lovers, we all know the feeling of finishing a new favourite and realising it is now over and feeling devastated. While revisiting a beloved novel is a treat in itself, discovering a new favourite for the first time is unmatched. The Teen Advisory Board has compiled the books we’d give anything to relive it again as if it’s the first time!

The Museum of Broken Things by Lauren Draper

With lots of laughter and tears, this debut perfectly encapsulates the societal pressures of being a teenager. Lauren Draper’s writing transported me into this fictional seaside town and made me feel as if I was along for the ride! With a blossoming romance and a thrilling mystery, I’d give anything to read this book again.

– Bonnie-Mai

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

The world of Six of Crows was exciting, thrilling and left me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next: from the stunning world-building to the depth of the six main characters and their interesting back stories. Bardugo’s duology creates a fantastic sense of ‘found family’ between the characters. By the final page, all I could think about was how sad I was that the journey was over. I wish I could keep following the Dregs on their little escapades.


Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Elli: This book captured my attention from the moment I started reading it. The way Madeline Miller explores the story, it just makes me want to erase it from my memory so I can experience it again.

Mel: I think The Song of Achilles is an excellent novel, giving a fantastic retelling of the myths of Achilles and The Iliad by fleshing out the relationship of Achilles and Patroclus into a very compelling love story. I love the poetic language used in the book and it will make you cry even if you already know what happens. It’s so beautiful and heart-wrenching. I wish I could experience reading it for the first time again.

– Elli and Mel

Sweet Black Waves by Kristina Perez

This book tore me apart, a true tragedy. There are so many heart-wrenching plot twists, so be wary of emotional pains. Even still it paints the atmosphere of a beautifully magical world, the perfect feel for a regency romance with a dose of fantasy. I want to read it again for the first time to be blissfully ignorant of the conflicts that inevitably occur and instead be infatuated by the innocent romance of the beginning.

– Soleil

Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

This series has a very special place in my heart and introduced me to a whole new side of the bookish world. I am madly in love with every aspect of the series and highly recommend everyone read it at least once. That being said, I would literally cry if I were given the chance to read this again for the first time.

The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan

This entire series reignited my passion for reading with its beautifully thought-out plot and loveable characters! I would give anything to explore the world of the Olympians again for the first time!

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Such an addictive read! I had no clue what was going to happen next and that in itself took me on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. It would be an honour to read this again for the first time.

– Shania

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

This book is undoubtedly one of the best novels that I have ever read, and one of Agatha Christie’s most outstanding works. I wish that I could read this book again for the first time, just to feel that pump of adrenaline, uncertainty (and false confidence on who really was the killer) again. Although her works never truly lose their magic, the thrill towards the emergence of the truth is truly a sensation that can only be experienced during a first-time read.

Murder Games by James Patterson

Old-school, witty and nothing less than thrilling, Murder Games is a novel that truly deserves all the recognition and praise it has been given. I would love to re-read this book as if for the first time just so I can get to know the characters all over again. Patterson is exceptional at creating bonds between reader and character, and I felt right beside them throughout every page.

– Kimmy

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Cover image for The Museum of Broken Things

The Museum of Broken Things

Lauren Draper

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