Sun Catcher by Sheila Rance
Sun Catcher by Sheila Rance is a great book. I loved it. It is a fantasy set in the Bronze Age that would appeal to people who like the thrill of a good adventure mixed with a quest. The characters are fascinating. My favorite character is Kodo the lizard boy, with his ambition to be a trader and his liking for honey, which I share. Maia, the main character, I really liked too. She had a lot of different emotions. She is determined and stubborn and she only realizes what she has when she loses it. A good villain always makes a good story. I thought Elin the sister and murderer of Maia’s other sisters was a good villain.
Sheila Rance uses a lot of different words, such as Sunwake and Sunsleep for day and night and Handfast for marriage. One of my favorite parts of the story is when Maia goes to what they call the “Gather” and Maria and Kodo find Maria’s sister Xania. I also found the story around Kodo very interesting, particularly his life and his daily duties with the lizards. Although I never worked out what the lizard people used the lizards for.
There were one or two things that I thought could have been better. I felt more detail could have provided in some parts of the story. I felt this particularly with the battle scenes, where I just wanted to know more about what happened. I also felt at the start it was hard to tell who was speaking and what was happening but as the story continued it became easier to understand.
I am looking forward to the rest of the trilogy and can’t wait to find out what happens. The end of the story just left me wanting more.