Italian Shoes: Henning Mankell

It’s only fair to salute theman whose KurtWallandermysteries pretty much introducedScandinavian crime tothe modern English speakingworld.

Italian Shoes is not aWallander novel – it’s not evena crime novel. It’s simply abeautifully written meditationon loneliness and attempts torebuild and make amends for alife gone astray. FrederickWelin, a former surgeondestroyed by a malpractice case,has isolated himself on a remoteSwedish island, his only ‘friend’a taciturn, hypochondriacpostman. An unexpected (andunwelcome) visit by a terminallyill former lover forces himto confront his past behaviourand make up for lost time.

If you’ve read Mankell, but neverventured beyond his detectivestories, this could well be theplace to start.