The Next 100 Years: George Friedman

Friedman is a recognised expert in geopolitics and forecasting. This will, he predicts, be the American century. Whereas the twentieth century was a transition from European to American global power, the twenty-first is solely America’s. No other geopolitical group comes close to challenging America’s supremacy. Because of its control of the sea and its geographical position, it is unlikely that it ever be attacked. America can take actions that can be painful and devastating for other countries, while it moves on and flourishes.

In addition to the consolidation of American power, Friedman convincingly predicts that population growth will rapidly decline over the century – as will the overall world population, causing dramatic shifts in family and societal structures. American power will be challenged as it creates enemies through its reckless use of power. The US-Islam conflict will wither away; China will not become a major world power; Mexico will emerge as a power, as will a coalition from Eastern Europe, Eurasia and the Far East. There will be wars, but they will be less deadly. America will emerge from its barbaric stage into a more civilised and assured power. Friedman’s book is absolutely fascinating, immensely readable – and sounds disturbingly logical.