Chicken Dance

Kids’ review

Don Fred Schmidt loves chickens. Since he asked his Mum if he could look after their chickens Don has been to a chicken-judging contest, won first place and got a blue ribbon. Don had a sister. His Mum and Dad say that she died of scarlet fever when she was 15. But when Don finds a box with a birth certificate that has the same date as Don’s birthday, just a different name (Stanley Ronald Schmidt), Don thinks he has a twin brother who was kidnapped and that his parents had hired a private detective to find him. But then Don’s parents tell him a big family secret.

Chicken Dance was an interesting book to read. It had lots of mysterious chapters that were very exciting. I have never read a book like Chicken Dance. I am looking forward to reading more books by Jacques Couvillon.

Anisija Gillian is nine years old and is a customer of Readings Carlton