The Silver Door by Emily Rodda

It was quite thrilling knowing as I was about to open Emily Rodda’s The Silver Door that inside was a quiet, thoughtful boy named Rye reaching out to enter a silver door of his own which just like the book in my hands would lead him into a completely strange, new and exciting world. But Rye did not have the luxury I did as I snuggled up in my doona with a hot drink for my journey. Rye had to worry about being devoured by creatures in his sleep and having a big brother show a surprising lack of faith in his abilities (considering he had just saved his life). The only discomfort I need feel was the discomfort of a racing heart as I watched Rye, Sonia and Dirk come under attack from some ferocious skimmers, shady guards and a very familiar face (sort of).

This time after the successful rescue of Dirk in The Golden Door, Rye, led by instinct and visions, chooses the silver door to rescue his second brother Sholto. As we follow the three on their quest we learn more about the world in which Weld exists (it is not an unfamiliar world for those who have enjoyed Emily Rodda’s Deltora Quest series) and come tantalisingly closer to understanding the mysteries behind third and final: The Wooden Door.

Dani Solomon is from Readings Carlton