Eating Heaven: Spirituality at the Table by Simon Carey Holt

As we move towards our Christmas Day preparations for the ‘Meal to End All Meals’, with expectations heightened by all around you, let’s remember why we do this every single year, even if we are not religious, spiritual or family orientated. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed by all around you, this engaging and sweet little book is an easy-to-read demonstration of our most social of activities.

Author Simon Carey Holt is the senior minister of Melbourne’s Collins Street Baptist Church, and prior to becoming a minister, Simon qualified and worked as a chef. His book is not an ode to organized religion but more a study of humanity through various meal times. He writes about culture, society and Melbourne. The book reminds us that we live in a community and that our most precious gift to each other is sitting around a table together.

Eating Heaven: Spirituality at the Table shows us how eating together is the most meaning-laden activity of our life: it’s how we communicate, and how we survive.

Chris Gordon