Department 19 by Will Hill

Jamie knows that vampires aren’t real, and that Frankenstein’s monster is just a character from a book. But when his mother is kidnapped by one, and he’s saved by the other, Jamie has to face up to the fact that there are secrets in this world he never could have guessed, secrets known only to the mysterious Department 19. In order to rescue his mother, Jamie must work together with the top-secret government agency and the monsters they employ.

From the first adrenaline-packed pages I was hooked. This book really does have it all – interesting characters, a fast-paced but multilayered plot, and, my personal favourite, some exquisitely gory scenes. The bad guys in this are really bad, and it leads to some epic battles.

I absolutely devoured this book, and though it wasn’t a slim read the end came all too soon. However, the few loose ends in this book will hopefully ensure a sequel, and I for one can’t wait to get my claws on it.